
Couple woman & man
Couple woman & woman
Purpose of search:

Personal information

Age: 34 years
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Sexual orientation: bi
Marital status: single
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 75 kg

Dating Ads (19)

Životní nebo sexuální partner

Man seeking woman
Czech Republic Hlavní město Praha
Without trans
Age 18–34

Hi, I'm looking for a romantic life partner. You should be purpose-driven, energetic, flowing, gentle, poetic, beautiful, and mathematically literate 😘🥰.

Ideally we'll be(come) perfectly compatible. I believe this is possible: change my mind 😼.

Also shorter-term sex dates are welcome.


Pokud máte zájem o životní partnerství se mnou, budete muset mluvit anglicky.

Pokud jde o sexuální partnerství, můžeme to zkusit překročit. Taky se pooomaaaaluuuu učím česky ~

Existuje možnost, jak mě učit česky, když se učíte angličtinu, samozřejmě teoreticky! 😂😂

Sex hobbies and interests

anal sex
oral sex
sex in public

Personal description

Hi, I have «full-on life partner» and «open love» modes 🤓🥰🦄.

My purpose is to «co-create paradise and develop intelligence with sensual warmth»

I offer life partnership, lighter dating, love-making, cuddles, and deep connections ☺️.

I like music, dancing, coffee, hiking, personal development, purpose, passion, philosophy, conscious relationships, etc

I aspire to appreciate and learn from every connection no matter how brief with a strong preference for in-person presence over texting 🌬️🌸.

Civilizationship: a relationship best considered as a meta-entity on its own right rather than as two interdependent individuals -- a full-on two-person civilization.